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Kamis, 16 Mei 2013

Expository Writing


1.1 Background As an international language, English has been spoken all over the world. English has gained worldwide recognition as a means of international communication. It is used now days in politics, commerce, education, science, and technology. In responding to the need for devising the development and share of technology, English plays are very important roles as scientific language. This role is related to the fact that most of scientific books are in English. By the regard, people all over the world have strong desire to learn English. In Indonesia our government has adopted English as the foreign language to be taught from elementary to the university level. Learning English at the levels of education is aimed at primarily obtaining science and technology for shake of nation building and having more information. As a language, English also consists of content and expression. Content is closely related to the knowledge, sound system and structural system. Knowledge is strongly related to the skill through the ability to listen, to speak, to read, and to write. Beside that, the implementation of language may be conveyed in both written form, that content, vocabulary, and grammar as aspect need seriously attention besides other aspects such as spelling and capitalization. Writing is an exercise dominated by hand and fingers and the brain. The hand received the messages from the brain and produces the messages on the surface of a peace of paper or a board. I general, it is assumed that students find it easy to express themselves orally while they still have difficulties in expressing their ideas in written form. Voss et al (1995:35) said that the problem in writing is time consuming for the students to write whenever they are weary or under instance, it would be not a surprised writing came hard for them. In fact, students spent more time for talking or chatting than reading and writing, so learning English by the English teacher and the students should be step by step to understand its use because teaching and learning English are difficult, they have to understand many things such as: grammar, vocabulary and language used. As an English teacher must know many things how to solve the problem and to select which method is suitable for the students for learning English. If the teacher can not solve the problem that faced by the students by selecting a suitable method for teaching English, they will make many errors, particularly in writing. Keene (1996:44) stated that ideas especially those expressed in guided writing also to be carefully related to one another so that they form those ideas together to function as unit and make sense to the readers. Saskatchewan Education (1998) states that, a good writing requires at host of skill in content, organization and style including the conversation of written English such as sentence structure word choice and usage. There are many kinds of writing such as: narrative writing, descriptive writing, argumentative writing, and expository writing, so in this writing the writer focuses on expository writing. Expository writing is a process of writing to communicate information to the audience. It is often an explanation or a process and tends to emphasize well organized and concise information. It is also different from either functional story emphasizing the use of imagination and creative powers, or persuasive writing, which depends upon a well-formed argument to convince readers of an argument. From the statement above, the writer decides to conduct a study entitled “A STUDY ON EXPOSITORY WRITING OF THE XIth GRADE STUDENTS OF LANGUAGE PROGRAM OF SMA NEGERI 1 KEFAMENANU IN SCHOOL YEAR 2008 / 2009”. 

1.2 Statement of problem Based on the background above, the writer formulates some questions as follows: 
1.2.1 To what extant the XIth students of language program of SMA Negeri 1 Kefamenanu mastered the expository writing? 
1.2.2 To what aspect of the expository writing is still difficult for the XIth grade students of language program of SMA Negeri 1 Kefamenanu? 

1.3 Objectives of the study The objectives of this study are stated as follows: 
1.3.1 To know whether the XIth grade students of language program have mastered the expository writing. 
1.3.2 To point out the aspect of the expository writing this is still difficult for the 11th grade students of language program. 

1.4 Significances of the study The results of this study are hoped to benefit: 
1.4.1 This writing is valuable in developing the writer’s knowledge and learning experience, particularly in expository writing. 
1.4.2 For the students, particularly the XIth grade students of language program of SMA Negeri 1 Kefamenanu to master on the use of English Expository writing. 
1.4.3 For the institution, particularly the students of English study program to understand and master how to master English writing in general and expository writing in particularly. 

1.5 Scope and limitation This writing is limited to knowing the expository writing ability of XIth grade students of language program of SMA Negeri 1 Kefamenanu in the school year 2008/2009. There are three components analyzed in this study, they are: content, vocabulary and language use. 

 1.6 Definition of terms To avoid the misinterpretation of the readers in comprehending the subject matter of this writing, it is necessary to define the term that use in this writing. They are as follows: 1.6.1 Study is to give one’s time attention to learning about a subject especially a collage or university (1995:1187) 
1.6.2 Writing is process of performing ideas into written word, sentence or paragraph on paper (Oshim and Hauge, 1980:3) 
1.6.3 Expository is a type of oral written discourse that is used to explain, describe, give information or inform (wikipedia) 

1.7 Organization of the study This writing consists of three chapters. Chapter one consist of Introduction, deals with Background of the Study, Statement of the Problem, Objectives of the Study, Significances of the Study, Scope and Limitation, Definition of Terms and Organization of the Study. Chapter two, Review of related Literature, covers Concept of Writing, Types of writing, Types of Expository Writing, Application in Classroom. Chapter three, Method of Research consists of Research Design, Procedures of Research, Subject of research, Instrument and Technique of Data Analysis. CHAPTER 


 2.1 Theory of Writing In its simplest from of writing can be the can of putting down in conventional graphic from something which has been spoken (Rivers, 1968: 242). The form of this writing may be called notation or taking notes. One step ahead, writing become complicated process when it involves putting in graphic form, according to the system accepted by educated the native speakers, combination of words which might be spoken in specific circumstances ( that is which, convey certain elements of meaning). This activity may be called writing practice (Rivers, 1968:243). Furthermore, he stated that writing is most highly developed the form refers to expressions of ideas in a consecutive way. According to the graphic of convention of the language, it can be called composition. Writing is a highly complex from the communication and means of self-expressions. This means that written language integrates abilities and is a major means of communication. Through writing, the writer demonstrates his knowledge. He underline that through writing can express his ideas and communicate with the readers, stated by Mercer (1983:275). Writing is an exercise dominated by hand or fingers and the brain. The hand receives messages from the brain and produces the messages on the surface of a peace of paper or board, defines by (Keene, 1996:44). Nurudin (2004:1) states that writing is all activities done by everybody to express his or her other ideas and inform by writing language for the readers to understand the writer’s ideas. In different manner, Luhulima (1996:211) stated that writing is the expressing of the ideas or significant opinion. When the reader enjoys it, they are learning something from it, or fells their needs by read it. He also states that a good writing presents and explains ideas for specific audience or reader and in specific purpose. Brooks (1964:61) used other term for the stages of writing. He applied the term subsistence writing parallel to term’s nation taken by River. Writing sentence is considered the one parallel to writing practice and paragraph writing similar to composition, Rise et al (1991:157). 

2.2 Types of Writing In general there are some types of writing that will be discussed below: 
2.2.1 Argumentative The purpose of argumentation is to prove validity of an idea, or point of view by presenting sound reasoning, discussion and argument that thoroughly convince the reader. Argumentation also called persuasive writing. Persuasive writing is a type of argumentation with the additional aim to urge the reader to take some form of action. The examples of this writing are: critical review, editorials, job evaluation, job application letter, letter of recommendation, letter to the editor, and resumes. 
2.2.2 Description The purpose of description is to re-create, invent, or visually present a person, place, event, or action so that the reader can picture that which is being described. It can be found in other rhetorical modes. The examples of this writing are: poetry and journal writing. 
2.2.3 Narration The purpose of narration is to tell a story or narrate an event or a series of events. This writing mode frequently uses the tools of descriptive writing. Narration is an especially useful tool for sequencing or putting details and information into some kind of logical order, usually chronological. Working with narration helps us to see clear sequence separate from all other metal functions. The examples of this writing are: anecdotes, autobiography, and biography, novels, oral histories, short stories. 
2.2.4 Exposition Expository writing is the process of writing to communicate the information to an audience. It is also mean that the type of oral or written discourse that is used to explain describe, give information or inform. The creator of an expository text can not assume that reader or listener has period knowledge or period understanding of the topic that is being discussed. One important point to keep in mind for the author is to try to use words that clearly show what they are talking about rather than blatantly telling the reader what is being discussed. Expository writing is very different from either fictional stories, emphasizing the use of imagination and creative powers, or persuasive writing which depends upon a well formed argument to convince a reader of an argument, so a well writer exposition remains focused on its topic and listing events in chronological order. 
2.3 Types of Expository Writing There are some types of expository writing: 
2.3.1 Sequence This structure is also known as ‘process or collection’ and is a form of expository writing that is used if the author intends to inform his or her readers by listening event in chronological order. Examples of these types of writing are: cooking instruction, driving instruction, and instructions on performing a task. 
2.3.2 Descriptive Essay A descriptive essay is a type of expository writing that enables the reader to feel whatever you are describing. One should write using all the senses: sight, smell, touch, hearing, and taste. One also should think about makes the place that wants to describe important, and also should be explain to the reader what you are describing about. 
2.3.3 Classification Classification is an organizational strategy in which author arrange groups of objects or ideas according to a common topic in detail. Placing different object or ideas in categories is a type classification. 
2.3.4 Comparison Comparative text shows how two or more subject is similar or contrasting. This type of structure is often used in determining which is better of two or more choices. 
2.3.5 Cause and Effect Cause and effect writing identifies the reason for something occurring and lists what occurs because of that reason. This is also known as analysis. 

2.4 Application in classroom 
The essence of expository writing is to engage student in some type of explanation. There are many ways this can be done .Starting at earlier grades, students can begin having expository experiences by being encouraged to explain a process step by step to peers or the teacher. While motor skills and handwriting instruction may make such a long process not feasible (writing a detail account), they can begin attempting the cognitive task involved by the learning how to think through, plan and structure such as an oral account. This will pave the way for student to be able to write expository prose when find motor skill enable them to write increasingly longer essays. While teachers often classify this as too “academic” or “abstract” for younger children, it is something in which they already engage. Ono example in this way, young children will tell every detail they can recall of a recant vacation, trip, or other significant event. While this can tend to bore or even exasperate adult, it also is an important cognitive task for them, as they are learning to organize and share their memories in a way that is comprehensible to others. Teacher at this level can also help students to learn how to determine which variables are necessary and intriguing for a given audience, and which variables would be extraneous. All of the important cognitive decisions can be taught before students are prepared the physically write out longer stories. In an age of technology such as ours, other option would be to have students dictate stories via computer dictation software and then allow other students to critique and help revise those explanations As the students get older, they are increasingly capable of writing longer process and focusing on a topic that is external to themselves for longer periods of time. Expository writing does not have to be an academic report, it may take than form. Expository writing can center on recounting and even in an organized manner, explaining a process, describing a favorites place or person, or anything else which requires logical organization in it is presentation. It is recommended as students move from the concert to the abstract level gradually, that writing instruction follows this progression. Younger students, and students whom for writing is more challenging, should be given lots of opportunity to write on subjects who are somehow related to themselves and their experiences. As students become older and better understand the principles which govern expository organization, they can be encouraged to investigate other subjects, including research topics. Obviously, expectations of 3rd grade research reports should be significantly more generous than those of 6th grade research reports on the some topic. Do enjoy the chance to learn about and express their knowledge on a subject that is of interest to them. These should not be avoided in favor of exclusively creative work. Some students may find organizing and expressing that is external to them to be an easier task then doing so with information with which they are intimately acquainted. It is important to understand that expository writing is not a process for teaching writing; it does not dictate what teachers should do. Instead, it deals with the type of product, and the goal of writing which students and teachers have. This means that using expository writing does not tie teachers to e single instructional method. Peer conferencing, process-oriented approaches, teacher editing journaling method of teaching writhing can all be used in conjunction with expository writhing. In fact, it is encouraged that students are exposed to a wide variety of writing instruction methods (Soles, 2003). Some of these methods may be more easily used with creative story writing and others may land themselves more to be used whit expository writing, but the teacher is able to decided this and implement the methods with each type of writhing as he/she sees fit. 


3.1 Research design A method is a way reaching a goal. Based on the problem in chapter one, the method which is suitable for this research is a descriptive method. The descriptive methods describe naturally occurring phenomena without intervention or experimental manipulation (Haan, 2002; 96). Therefore the writer chooses descriptive method to solve the problem and describe the ability in expository writhing. 
3.2 Procedures of Research 
3.2.1 Library Research In this research, the writer read some references. From the reading activity, he got much information related to the theories, concept, and procedures that can support this writhing specifically those dealing with expository writhing as the topic being discussed. 
3.2.2 Field Research After collecting some references, the writer conducted a field research whose subjects were the XIth grade students of language program of SMA Negeri 1 kefamenanu in the academic year 2008/2009. The writer used some procedures in taking the data collection. First, he prepared the material test, those are some titles provided and than ask the students to develop the title that title had been choose and explain it in expository writing based on their mine and the length of time given. 

3.3 Subject of Research The subject that used by the writer to investigate the fact in the field was the XIth grade students of language program of SMA Negeri 1 Kefamenanu in the school year 2008/2009. The writer chooses one class because he believe that they have learned about the expository writing and course they have ability in expository writing. The writer took all of the students as the subject of research and they are 24 student. 

3.4 Instrument To obtaining the data needed, the writer used an instrument as a toll. The writer gave the students a task of writing. He give five titles to choose one of them based on their opinion in the writing to develop the title chosen. 

3.5 Technique of data Analysis After the writer collected the data, he read each student worksheet carefully, than he analyzed the data based on the criteria prepared. The criteria to assess and score each aspect of writing were proposed by Saskatchewan Education (1998) that quoted by Kamlasi as follows. 
3.5.1 Content The criteria are: Excellent : Ideas are insightful and well considered. This writhing has a strong central focus and exhibits unique. Comprehension and insight are supported by carefully chosen evidence. Sophisticated reasoning and literary appreciation are evident. Good : Ideas are thoughtful and clear. This writing has a clear recognizable focus and exhibits a comprehensive and inmate knowledge of the subject matter. Literary interpretation is more logical or sensible than insightful. Average : Ideas are straight forwent and clear. This writing has recognizable focus and exhibits adequate development of content interpretation. It is more common place and predictable. Weak : Ideas are limited and over generalized but discernible. This writing has and inconsistent or wondering focus and although it exhibits some development of topic, ideas, are often superficial and supporting evidence is vaguer or weak. Poor : Ideas are elementary and may not be clear. This writing lacks of focus and coherence and show title or no development of topic. What is generalized and unsupported so that there is a title evidence of understanding. 
3.5.2 Vocabulary The criteria are: Excellent : Effective and appropriate work choice, specific vocabulary, freshness and vividness of language. Good : View errors of words, idioms from choices but do not impede communication or annoy the reader unduly. Average : The words and idioms choices are clear but not imaginative and meaning not obscured. Weak : There are frequent errors shift in words choice and meaning interfere with the reader understanding and pleasure. Poor : Lack of work choice and not enough to evaluate. 
3.5.3 Language used The criteria are: Excellent : Sentences are correct. Only mechanical errors are the result of taking a risk more complex or original aspect of writing. The writing demonstrates a strong command of convention of language. Good : Sentences are substantially correct, with errors only in attends at more complicated construction. View mechanical errors do not impede communication. The writing demonstrates a solid control of the convention of language. Average : Common and simple construction and patterns are correct. Error in more complex or unusual construction and patterns are correct. Error in more complex or unusual construction does not unduly understanding. Information is clear despite a faltering in mechanics. The writing demonstrates a general control of convention of language. Weak : Sentences having uncomplicated structures are unusually clear, but attempts are more difficult structure result in awareness and or obscured communication. The writing demonstrates a limited and or inconsistent grasp of the convention of language. Poor : In writing exhibits a lack of knowledge in the use of sentences structure: usage grammar mechanics. The profession of structural and mechanical errors makes communication very difficult. The writing demonstrates only an elementary grasp of convention of language.

To asses the students level of abilities in expository writing, the writer used the standard analytic scoring criteria of Saskatchewan Education (1998) as follows: 
Excellent : 5 
Good      : 4 
Average  : 3 
Weak      : 2 
Poor       : 1 

To know the total students level of ability in the whole of expository on writing, he calculated the students average scores by using the formula as follows : 
Notes : 
= Students’ average score 
LA = Level of ability 
N = Total number of students 

Beside that, in other to know the students’ average score and the students’ level of ability on each component, the writer use a formula as follow : 
Notes : 
Σ   = Total score of each component 
     = Students’ average score of each component 
LA = Level of ability

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