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Jumat, 17 Mei 2013

Bahan ajar Bahasa Inggris SMA kelas X

SMA Year/ Semester            : X/I
Standard Kompetensi           : no. 1 and no. 3
Kompetensi Dasar                 : no. 1.2 and no. 3.2
Type of Text                          : Transactional interpersonal          
Materi Pokok                         :
1.      Expressing Symphaty
2.      Expression of Giving Instructions
3.      Expression of Showing Attention
4.      Expression of gaining Attention
5.      Expressing happiness

1.      Mengidentifikasi makna , merespon  dan menggunakan tindak tutur  Giving instruction
2.      Mengidentifikasi makna dan merespon / menggunakan tindak tutur   Expressing Symphaty
3.      Mengidentifikasi makna dan merespon/ menggunakan  tindak tutur   Showing Attention
4.      Mengidentifikasi makna dan merespon / menggunakan tindak tutur Gaining Attention
5.      Mengidentifikasi makna dan merespon / menggunakan  tindak tutur Happpiness
6.      Mengidentifikasi hubungan antar pembicara

Read these conversations aloud!
Popuri : Kai, come here please!
Kai      : What’s the matter?
Popuri  : Help me to catch kitty
Kai      : Are you kidding?
Popuri : of course not! She is on the cupboard
Kai      : Okay, I will try
Popuri  : Thank you so much!

These following sentences are expressions to give instruction
Clean the board, please!
Wipe the desk!
Come here!
Let’s move
Hold this, please
Come on, have a shower.
Right away
I will
In a minute
Just a second

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